
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gram Ham Recipe

I made Gram Ham today. It's a recipe I made up based on other recipes that were said to be delicious. Most of the ingredients came from Shamus's grandmother so there's no way yours could possibly be as good as ours unless you get into her stash. And come to butcher pigs at Thanksgiving. Good luck.

Here is the recipe:

olive oil
Gram's applesauce
Gram's crabapple jelly
Ham steak from butchering

Melt butter and a little olive oil in a pan. Brown ham steak on med-high. Inhale through nose and say "mmmm". Turn to low. Drain the butter and fatty juices. Use a spatula to keep that ham in there! Put 6 Tbsp Gram's applesauce lunch lady style on the ham. Flip the ham over. Listen to the splat and think "cool sound". Spread crabapple jelly on the ham the way a 7 year old would on a PB&J. Sprinkle cinnamon on top until you think it looks pretty. Cook around 15 mins or until your side dishes are done. Serve with sliced oranges. And bacon (from butchering).

PS I only had Mott's, not Gram's, and Shamus still said it was amazing. I think he'd be speechless if it had been Gram's. Also, I did not serve it with bacon but that would have been AWESOME because bacon is soooo good. Especially butchering bacon.

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